Spaceship Earth

I haven´t posted anything in quite a long time. Not because I didn´t wanted to post, but I have been busy working on another website, trying to move my blog, to my own page, something I really own. That did not work out so great however, clearly I am no web designer.. But after finally asking for some help from my brother he fixed in 10 minutes, what I have been trying to do for weeks. So it is now working properly, I just have some difficulty to continue there. For some reason I find it hard to post something and leave this blog behind.

Also I have been really busy during the holidays and haven´t gotten anytime to read. So no interesting reviews to post. I didn´t even got the books I requested for christmas, so I have no other choice than order them myself, but that can take a while. I have started reading the poetical works from Longfellow and even though I am not a great fan of poetry, I am quite impressed. Maybe the fact that it is an old book has somewhat to do with it and even being able to hold it in my hands is just amazing.  Maybe I can review it when I finish it, I guess that will be a long time from now, so far I am on page 17..

I do wonder how on earth can people combine all the things they need to do and want to do! It doesn´t seem possible. I try to combine my two part time jobs, my study and a writing course on the side and that does leave me with enough free time, but then if you add spending time with family and friends; trying to maintain a blog, reading and reviewing books; my love for movies and tv shows which can take up a lot of time to; playing guitar, singing and playing my harmonica. Have I mentioned I have two dogs and a rabbit? So some things just seem to fall of that scale for a while. There is only a limited amount of hours in a day.

The most important thing about Spaceship Earth – an instruction book didn’t come with it.

-R. Buckminster Fuller

Posted in January 2015 | Leave a comment

Rainy Sunday

Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Susan Ertz

Couldn’t be a more fitting quote for today. It has been raining since I woke up this morning and it hasn’t stopped so far. Although I can always enjoy myself on a rainy sunday and I guess with me every other book lover. It’s hard to be bored when you have a good book to read. But even if you don’t like books, I think this generation has it pretty easy, there are always tv-shows and movies to watch or even games to play. How can anyone ever be bored with so many interesting options to choose from.

As for me, I sticked to my books today. I was comfortably rolled up in a chair the whole morning reading untill I finally figured the rain wasn’t going to stop. I have two dogs who needed to go out, even in the rain. The downside to having dogs sometimes, but luckily there are umbrella’s and even my dogs have little rain coats. Yes really, if you have dogs you know what a mess a wet dog can cause and I prefer my house at least some what clean. Even though I had to walk the dogs a few times I still got a lot of reading done. I read straight through first books of the Uglies series, now busy on the third book. I was kind of disappointed with the whole dystopian genre after I finished Echoes of us by Kat Zhang and so didn’t have much trust in another Dystopian series. The Uglies series turned out to be so much better! I do know why, after I read the third book of the Hybrid Chronicles, I realized there are no descriptions of the world around them. Barely anything surrounding them is ever described, while I do have a good imagination I still like to know a bit about the environment in the book. It can’t all just be buildings or it could be, but that seems so depressing to me. I like a bit of nature in a book.

To cut it short I read quite a lot and hopefully I will stop ready because otherwise I will never finish with all the book reviews I still have to make.. I’m getting a bit scared already, I have three to do and if I keep on reading it will soon be four or even five!

On a last and completely different note, I made a Manhattan Cheese Cake last friday and it turned out to be absolutely amazing! It was so easy to make, everyone can do and it is delicious. So if you like cheese cake, or even if you don’t, because I normally don’t really, try it. I just googled it and there are a lot of variations apparently. So just to be clear I found the recipe in Desserts, meer dan 100 onmisbare recepten – Tanja Timmerman.

Posted in November 2014 | Leave a comment

First book reviews are up!

I did it. Completely flew through both Weird things customers say in bookshops and Alienated. Such easy reads and started right away on Echoes of us, so hopefully I will have time to review that book before the end of the week. I must say so far it appears to be better than the first two books of the series. Wish I had more time to read, but unfortunately there is also work and schoolstuff to do. There are only so many nights you can go without enough sleep and especially in my case there aren´t that many before it goes towards cranky and snapping at everyone around me. I´m sure people rather not endure that.

Feel free to comment on my reviews, I have never done them before, so I´m sure I have a lot to learn.

Posted in November 2014 | Leave a comment

My first blog!!


Exiting, my first post! Just in time for good news. I finally got my order from bookdepository. So happy it arrived, I can´t wait to start reading, although to be honest I already started.. Couldn´t help myself. They all look so pretty!

I just got in a whole lot of books, or at least to me it are a lot of books and it was my first time ordering from bookdepository so must admit, I was a bit doubtful whether it would go well.

I got the Uglies series from Scott Westerfeld, I´ve already been wanting to read this series for such a long time, but there were always some other books that needed my attention first. I also got in Alienated from Melissa Landers, I heard such good stories about it, besides after the tv show Star-Crossed I just feel like reading some good Alien love story. Might be unrealistic and corny, but who cares, who doesn´t love an unrealistic love story now and then.

I ordered the new release Echoes of us by Kat Zhang. I already own and read the first two books of the trilogy and didn´t find them that great, but I couldn´t leave the series unfinished. Now I just hope it will be better than the first two, fingers crossed!

And finally I ordered Weird things customers say in bookshops by Jen Campbell, I am absolutely loving it so far!

Hopefully I can start with my first book review on Sunday.

Posted in November 2014 | Leave a comment

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

– John Lennon

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